
Chapter3 - new tools

We already knew what is web 2.0 in chapter 1, so let's talk a little about web 2.0 tools. You can see there are so many tools in the picture below, those tools change the nature of the Web from distributed to participatory.

Web 2.0 "is not a technological revolution; it is a social revolution. It's about enabling and encouraging participation through open applications and services with rights granted to use the content in new and exciting contexts" (Solomon & Schrum, 2007. pp46).

Those tools for word, data and business processing that companies, in some degree, web 2.0 tools replace traditional application software installed on the computer desktop. As this book mentioned "the genesisi of Web 2.0 tools is the open-source movement, whose proponents believe that the source code for programs should be available for anyone else to study, use, enhance, and distribute."

What's the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, let's take a look:

Since you learned the process from the Web to Web 2.0, I would like to give you all a tour of some useful Web 2.0 tools.

Basic web 2.0 tools: 
❀Click all the links!
❀ blogs
· Drupal
❀ Podcasts
Podcasts are portable and students are used to listenting on iPods and MP3 players.
· Pbwiki

Other popular web 2.0 tools:  
❀Click all the links!
· Furl
· Videoegg 
Beside those tools I mentioned before, there still have many different tools. Such as web 2.0 versions of desktop tools (google docs & spreadsheets, zoho writer, etc), web 2.0 management tools (technorati, elgg and moodle, etc) and other web 2.0 tools for education (google earth, myspace, etc).

1. Technology Operations and Concepts
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers:
A. demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology.
B. demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0, new tools, new schools. Eugene, OR: Intl Society for Technology in educ.

